Writers’ Block

—Or Flounder, Flounder in the
Sea -
P.S. Ehrlich
“So I gather.”
“…how’d I get home?”
“I drove you, yesterday
morning.” “Yesterday
morning. Really? ...What’d my sister say?”
“No one was there. I got
you settled in, and left a note on the door saying you were ‘under the
weather.’” “Good.
That’s good… Um—how many drinks did I have?”
“Not that many, actually.
It doesn’t take many with someone your size.”
“Why didn’t you…regulate
me?” “Quote ‘You’re not the
boss of me’ unquote.” “Did
I say that? Jeez, I can’t remember any of it, hardly…Was I sick? Did I
urp?” “I
thought you might. I left a bucket by your bed.”
“Where? I don’t see it… I—I
remember us talking, at Bert ‘n’ Ernie’s, and you not paying enough
attention so I had to kind of yell, and then—or was that part a dream?
I’ve had these really weird dreams where I have to yell at you… I can’t
remember. Peyton? Peyton, I’m scared! I’m—”
“I never blacked out
before! You’ve got to believe me—”
“I do, I believe you—”
“—and now I can’t find my
horse!” “…pardon me?”
“My horse! Timmy, my
stuffed horse! I’ve had him forever, since I was only two, but I’ve looked
and looked (shniff) and I can’t find him, not anywhere!—oh God—”
“Skeeter? Skeeter?…”
[Distant retching]
[Distant flushing]
“…I urped.”
“So I gather.”
“Aw hell, did you hear me?”
“Well, you did say that
being with you would be a nonstop belly laugh—”
“Oh God… oh Jeez…”
“Shhhh. Shhhh. S’allright.
Don’t cry—” “Will if
I like! (Shniff.) Hell… just listen to me. I always sound like I’m
laughing, don’t I? No matter what—crying, throwing up, making love,
everything. (Shniff.) My Grampa said I was born to do nothing but
laugh.” “Your
grandfather was a wise man.”
“Now everybody points at me
and says, ‘There goes a dummy.’”
“I’m sure no one’s ever
called you a dummy—”
“How do you know?! Maybe lots of people have! (Shniff.) Like one of those
big dumb happy broads that hang around bars and clubs and—Ramada Inns,
places like that. ‘Cept I’m just a little dumb happy broad. When
I’m happy, that is… (Shniff.) I can’t even find an old stuffed horse! And
you know I hate to sleep alone—”
“But, but Peyton?
Listen…all that stuff, you know, about ‘trollops’ and ‘being a kept
woman,’ and everything? That was just jokes. You know? Just for laughs.
Not for real.” “Yes.”
“I need you to know that.”
“…I do. I do.”
“Good. Good. That’s
good…whew. We got our stories straight, anyway.”
“What do you mean?”
“I told Sadie I had the
bug—last night, it must’ve been. Don’t know if she bought it, but she let
Desi camp out on the living room couch. Kid was over the moon, big
adventure…Anyway she didn’t act pissed, Sadie I mean. And she sure
would’ve, if she’d thought I’d passed out.”
“Oh don’t cough at me,
please, I feel bad enough…I haven’t had an ache like this since—since last
New Year’s Eve. Jeez. And that one felt like The End of the goddam
world…” “You told
me.” “Did I? Well…at least
I’m not seeing any tiny pink elephants. Though those’d be kind of
cute—” “Skeeter—”
“Right right right, I know.
No more bars or clubs for awhile. Not even really nice ones.
(Shniff.)” “Well,
don’t cry about it—”
“I wasn’t crying! I was just—resting my nose, is all. It’s just…I just
wish that…I mean, it was best when—I could talk and talk all night and all
day and tell you everything, everything…and you’d always listen. And pay
attention. And hear every word I’d say.”
“Is that so! I might still
do that if—never mind.”
“What?” “Nothing. It’s just
that lately you only seem to—”
“All I ever hear from you
anymore is—” “What?”
“—never mind.”
“I’ll never say ‘never
mind’ again.” “Thank you,
Sean Connery.” “Hee hee hee
(ow)! Hee hee hee (ow)!…See? See, you make me laugh.”
“Sounds painful.”
“Well I’ve got a sick
headache, don’t I?…But it really is laughing, this time. Really. Promise.
You make me feel happy.”
“Do I?”
“Yes (ow). Yes. My head
hurts but yes…I wish you were here. Or I was there, or something. But I’m
glad you didn’t see me urp. ‘S’not very ladylike.”
“Hey! What was that? Were
you guffawing at me?” “Do I
have any other choice?”
“Well…you’re not mad at me, anyway?”
“No. How could I be?”
“You were, though.”
“I was mistaken.”
“I’ll say you were!”
“But I’m not mad at you
anymore, either. So will you go on talking to me?”
“As long as you like.”
“Oh good. Peyton? I ever
tell you how much I love the way you talk?”
“Not just lately…”
“Well I do. So much. So
much…So will you tell me a story? A long boring one, that’ll put me back
to sleep?” “Indeed!
Well, I’m prepping my ‘Intro to Baroque’ midterm. Shall I tell you about
Velázquez and his troppo vero portrait of Pope Innocent X?”
“What’s troppo
vero?” “‘Too
truthful.’” “Oog. I don’t
want that, then. No, send me off to Never-Nevermindland. Oh wait a
sec—lemme just pull up the covers—and put the phone here, beside my ear.
Okay: tell me a bedtime story.”
“In my best bedside
manner?” “ExACTly. You got
it, Peyton. Ooh I’m yawning already…”
“Very well, then. ‘Once
upon a time—’” •
[Sadly, The Sidewalk's End is now gone from the Web. Above is a
replica of their January 2003 publication.]
Copyright © 2002-2008
by P. S. Ehrlich; All Rights Reserved. |